Whaur hae ye been sae braw lad,
Whaur hae ye been sae cantie o
Whaur hae ye been sae braw lad,
Cam ye by Killiecrankie o
And ye hae been whaur I hae been,
ye wadna been sae cantie o
And ye hae seen what I hae seen,
On the braes o Killiecrankie o
verse 2
I fought at land and fought at sea,
At hame I fought my auntie o
But I met the devil and Dundee,
On the braes o Killiecrankie o
verse 3
The bauld pictur fell wi a fur,
An clavers gat a clankie o
Or I had fed an Athol gled,
on the braes o Killiecrankie o
verse 3
O fie mackay what gaur ye lie,
On the bush amang the Krankie o
yed better kissed King Willies loof,
On the braes o Killiecrankie o
verse 4
Theres nae shame, theres nae shame,
Theres nae shame tae swankie o
Theres sour slaes on the Athol Braes,
an the deils at Killiecrankie o
