Gypsy song sung in many versions around Europe.This Gypsy version sound like a bit
of a hot pot with many versions adapted into it and sung often in Scotland.
Throughout Gypsy History there have been songs about Gypsies seducing rich lady's and
running away with them.Here is another.
Gypsy Rover
Three gypsies came to our hall door,
And o but they sang bonnie,
They sang sae sweet and sae complete,
That they won the heart o the lady.
Ah dee doo ahh dee doo da day,
Ah dee doo ah dee day o
Ah dee doo ah dee doo da day,
And they won the heart O the lady.
Verse 2
It was late that night when the lord came home,
Looking for his lady,
The servant girls reply to him was,
Shes away wi the gypsy rover.
Verse 3
Gie saddle tae me my milk white steed,
My black one isnt so speedy,
And I will ride and Ill seek my bride,
Whos away wi the gypsy rover.
Verse 4
So he rode north and he rode south,
He rode east and west also,
Until he came tae a wide open field,
And there he spied his lady.
Verse 5
O will ye gie up your house and lands,
And will you gie up your money,
O will you gie up your own wedded lord,
Tae lie wi a gypsy rover.
Verse 6
yes Ill gie up my house and lands,
And you can keep all your money,
For I will gie up my wedded lord,
Tae lie wi the gypsy rover.
Verse 7
last night I lay on a feather bed,
Wi blankets aye sae comely,
Tonight Ill lie in a wide open field,
In the arms of my gypsy rover.

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music,click picture link
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