Jock Stewart
my name is Jock Stewart,
Im a canny gaun man,
and a roving young fellow Ive been,
So be easy and free,
When your drinking wi me,
Im a man you dont meet every day.
Verse 2
I a roving young blade,
Im a piper to trade,
And manys the tune I can play.
Verse 3
Ive got acres of land,
Ive got men at command,
And Ive always a shilling to spare.
Verse 4
I go out with my dog,
And my gun for a shoot,
All along by the banks o the spey.
Verse 5
So come fill up your glass,
Wi brandy and wine,
And whatever the cost I will pay.

To hear audio tracks of the Cd "Songs of the Celts" by Celtic Horizon folk band containing Irish & Scottish
music,click picture link
Scottish & Irish Celtic Folk Music |

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