Tak the buckles frae your shoon, for your dancin days are doon
For your dancin days are doon, my bonnie lassie o
O the shearins no for you, for your back it will nae bow
And your belly's rollin fu, my bonnie lassie o
Tak the flounces fae your goon, mak a frockie for your loon
Mak a frockie for your loon, my bonnie lassie o
O the shearins no for you, for your back it will nae bow
And your belly's rollin fu, my bonnie lassie o
Dae you mind on Glescae Green, when I played on your machine
When I played on your machine, my bonnie lassie o
O the shearins no for you, for your back it will nae bow
And your belly's rollin fu, my bonnie lassie o
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