Lyrics of this song are Free Song Lyrics as they are traditional.Song about Local Jack the lad who gets hung on a trumped charge after seducing too many wives and daughters of the local Lords and businessmen.A wee Scottish thing this just to be sociable! Robert burns wrote the lyrics and the tune was suppossedly written by MacPherson himself.

Macphersons Rant 

Farewell ye dungeons dark and strong, 

farewell,Farewell tae thee, 

Macphersons time will no be long, 

On yonder gallows tree. 

It was by a womans treacherous hands, 

That I was condemned tae dee, 

She stood abune a window ledge, 

And a blanket threw ower me. 

Twas the laird o grant that heiland saunt, 

That first laid hands on me, 

He pleads the cause o Peter Broon,

Tae let Macpherson dee. 

Theres some come here tae see me hanged, 

And some tae buy my fiddle, 

Before that I dae part wi her, 

Ill break her through the middle 

He took the fiddle intae baith o his hands, 

And broke it over a stone, 

Saying no anither hand shall play on thee, 

When I am dead and gone. 

The repreive was coming ower the Bridge o Banff, 

tae set Macpherson free, 

But they put the clock a quarter before, 

And hanged him tae the tree.