Lyrics of this song are Free Song Lyrics as they are traditional.A very romantic and beautiful Scottish Love Song and a big favourite with audiences.Robert Burns.

Leezie Lindsay




Will ye gang tae the heilands Leezie Lindsay,

Will ye gang tae the heilands wi me,

Will ye gang tae the heilands leezie lindsay,

My bride and my darling tae be.


Verse 1


I dinna ken how that can be sir,

I dinna ken how that can be,

For I ken nae the land that ye live in,

Nor ken I the lad Im gaun wi


verse 2


Ye dinna ken much then Leezie Lindsay,

If its true that ye dinna ken me,

For my name is Lord Ronald of MacDonald,

A Cheiftain o the highest degree.


Verse 3


Ill buy ye a gown o green satin,

Tae wear right up tae your knee,

And Ill make ye a Lady,

a Cheiftain o the highest degree.


Verse 4


She has kilted her gown o green satin,

She has kilted them up tae her knee,

And shes gone wi Lord Ronald MacDonald,

His bride and his darling tae be.