JOHNY LAD FOLK SONG LYRICS                   

Johnnie Lad

I bought a wife in Edinburgh fur a baw – bee
I got a farthin’ back a gain tae buy tobacco wi’

An wi' you an' wi you an' wi' you johnnie lad
I'll dance the buckles aff ma shoon wi' you ma johnnie lad

As I was walkin' early, I chanced tae see the Queen,
She was playin' at the fitba' wi the lads on Glesga Green,

An wi' you an' wi you an' wi' you johnnie lad
I'll dance the buckles aff ma shoon wi' you ma johnnie lad

The Captain o' the ither side wis scorin’ wi’ great style
So the Queen she cried a polisman an' clapped him in jile

An wi' you an' wi’ you an' wi' you johnnie lad
I'll dance the buckles aff ma shoon wi' you ma johnnie lad

Noo Sampson wis a michty man an’ focht wi’ cuddles jaws
An’ he won a score o’ battles wearing crimson flannel drawers

An wi' you an' wi’ you an' wi' you johnnie lad
I'll dance the buckles aff ma shoon wi' you ma johnnie lad

Aye, Sampson wis a michty man an’ he fed on fish and chips
An’ he walked aboot the Gallowgate, pickin' up the , snips'

An wi' you an' wi’ you an' wi' you johnnie lad
I'll dance the buckles aff ma shoon wi'you ma johnnie lad

There wis a man o’ Nineveh an' he wis wondrous wise
He louped intae a hawthorn bush an’ scratched oot baith his eyes

An wi' you an' wi’ you an' wi' you johnnie lad
I'll dance the buckles aff ma shoon wi'you ma johnnie lad

An’ when he saw his eyes were oot he wis gey troubled then
So hejumped intae anither bush an' scratched them in again

An wi' you an' wi’ you an' wi' you johnnie lad
I'll dance the buckles aff ma shoon wi'you ma johnnie lad

Oh, Johnnie is a bonnie lad, he is a lad o' mine
I've never had a better yin, an' I've loved twenty nine 

An wi' you an' wi’ you an' wi' you johnnie lad
I'll dance the buckles aff ma shoon wi'you ma johnnie lad

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