Spanish lady
As I went out through Dublin City,
At the hour of twelve at night,
Who should I see but a Spanish lady,
Washing her feet by candle light,
First she washed them, then she dried them,
O'er a fire of amber coals,
In all my life I never did see,
A maid so sweet about the soles,
Whack fol me toor a loor a laddy,
Whack fol me toor a loor a lay,
Whack fol me toor a loor a laddy,
Whack fol me toor a loor a lay.
I stopped to look as the watchman passed,
Says he, Young fellow, the night is late,
Along with you now or I will wrest you,
Straight way through the Bridewell gate,
I threw a look to the Spanish lady,
Hot as the fire of amber coals,
In all my life I never did see,
A maid so sweet about the soles.
As I walked back through Dublin City,
As the sun began to set,
Who should I see but the Spanish lady,
catching a moth in a golden,
When she saw me then she teased me,
lifting her petticoats over her knee,
In all my life I never did see,
A maid who was so fancy free.
I've wandered north and I've wandered south
By Stonybatter and Patrick's Close,
Up and around the Gloucester Diamond,
And back by Napper Tandy's house,
Old age has laid her hands upon me,
Cold as a fire of ashy coals,
In all my life I ne'er did see,
A diamond like the Spanish lady.